Single Cell Platform (Academic)

The transcriptome of each cell practically serves as a molecular fingerprint as it is unique and bundles all information that define cell identity, function, physiological status or sensitivity towards its environment. Single cell transcriptomics comprises the isolation and examination of transcriptomes of single cells/nuclei using RNA-sequencing, in situhybridization and the analysis of chromatin accessibility.

Evolutionary conserved regulators of vascular development

Recent estimates suggest that plants contribute up to 80% of all biomass on earth. Despite the staggering diversity in plant shape, size, life cycle and habitat found across the different continents; dominant land plants share a highly important characteristic: the presence of a vascular system. This anatomical feature found in the majority of plants has been widely accepted to define plants containing tracheary tissues as vascular plants or tracheophytes.

Cellular mechanisms of division orientation

Due to the presence of a cell wall, plant cells are fixed within their tissue context and cannot move relative to each other during development. Plants thus need to rely on directed cell elongation and cell division to generate a full three-dimensional (3D) structure. Intrinsic polarity cues and cellular communication provide spatial information to plant cells and establishes their position relative to the tissue context and the axis of growth.