De Rybel Bert - Junior Group leader
Joined the group in 2015
Joined the group in 2015
Bert De Rybel graduated from the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering of Ghent University in 2005 before starting his PhD research in the group of prof. Tom Beeckman, focusing on early lateral root development. For his postdoctoral research, he moved to the lab of prof. Dolf Weijers at Wageningen University in early 2010 funded by Marie-Curie and FEBS postdoc grants. Here, he initiated work on early vascular development. He received a NWO VIDI grant to continue this line of research in an independent manner. Funded by an FWO Odysseus II and an ERC Starting Grant, Bert moved back to Belgium in 2015 to initiate his own lab within VIB and was elected EMBO young investigator in 2019. Bert is currently group leader at VIB of the ‘Vascular Development’ lab and full professor at Ghent University. His group aims at integrating developmental, cell and evolutionary biology to understand how plant vascular tissues develop and is funded by FWO and ERC Consolidator grants.